
Is my joint pain making me tired?

Does arthritis affect your mobility?

How to avoid feeling lonely

Working from home tips

More and more people are working from home, but if it isn’t something you’ve done before, you might find it hard to focus. Juggling getting your work finished, staying comfortable, and not becoming distracted (especially if you have children) is tricky if you aren’t used to it!

So, how can you make working from home, work for you?

Set an alarm and get yourself up and dressed

Don’t be tempted to sleep in. Set an alarm for a time that is close to when you would normally get up (excluding the commute), shower and dress yourself ready for a day of work. It is easy to avoid doing things when you are in your pyjamas on the sofa at 11am!

Make a to-do list

Identify what you need to do either that morning or the night before. Work through your list ensuring you get all of your action points done. Try not to worry about an order (unless one is more important), just be strict on yourself that it must be done by the end of the day

Create yourself a working from home area

Where possible, this should be a separate room that you can go in and close the door to focus on work. If this isn’t possible, set up an area that has everything you will need in it to complete a day’s work, including a comfortable chair and be sure your family know not to disturb you while you are in that area!

Set clear working hours

Check with your manager that it doesn’t matter if these are less than your usual hours (especially if you have your children at home too), but make sure you set yourself working hours and stick to them.

Check in with your co-workers

Like you would in the office, check in with co-workers throughout your day to see how everyone is getting on. This can be done by email or video conferencing!

Take breaks

Sitting for extended periods of time can cause back ache, be sure to get up and stretch throughout the day. If you have a garden, spend some time there during the day for fresh air and a change of scenery.

Try to stay away from the kitchen

· Like you would at work, bring yourself a few snacks to where you are working and take a lunch break away from your working space. Don’t be tempted to wander into the kitchen throughout the day to find something tasty!

Do you have any other tips? Let us know!

For more information about Flarin and tips & advice for managing joint pain visit www.flarin.co.uk

Flarin 200mg soft capsules contain ibuprofen. Relief from joint and muscular pain, pain of non-serious arthritic conditions (caused by joint inflammation), back pain. Always read the leaflet.

Causes and Treatments for Knee Pain

Because your knee is a complex joint, with many moving parts it can be more prone to injury1. Knee pain can often be treated at home and you should start to feel better in a few days2.



What are some of the common causes of knee pain?

Knee pain can be a symptom of many different conditions, the NHS has put together this table to help you if you are struggling with knee pain. Remember, if you are worried see your GP.


Knee symptoms Possible cause
Pain after overstretching, overusing or twisting, often during exercise sprains and strains
Pain between your kneecap and shin, often caused by repetitive running or jumping tendonitis
Unstable, gives way when you try to stand, unable to straighten, may hear a popping sound during injury torn ligament, tendon or meniscus, cartilage damage
Teenagers and young adults with pain and swelling below kneecap Osgood-Schlatter’s disease
Kneecap changes shape after a collision or sudden change in direction dislocated kneecap

Knee pain with no obvious injury

Causes of knee pain without injury

Knee symptoms Possible cause
Pain and stiffness in both knees, mild swelling, more common in older people osteoarthritis
Warm and red, kneeling or bending makes pain and swelling worse bursitis
Swelling, warmth, bruising, more likely while taking anticoagulants bleeding in the joint
Hot and red, sudden attacks of very bad pain gout or septic arthritis






What are the Symptoms of Knee Pain that Indicate Arthritis?


Generally, when peoples knee pain is caused by arthritis they have a dull, achy pain in their knee. Sometimes it is stiff in the morning but feels a little better as they get moving.

People with arthritis in their knee may suffer from episodic flares of knee pain where it gets swollen and then gets a little better, and it fluctuates a little bit as time goes on.


It is important to recognize that there is no one specific symptom that one will have with knee arthritis, but rather a constellation of them and then putting that into the overall clinical picture as well.3




What are the treatments for sudden knee pain?


The treatment you use to treat your knee pain will vary depending on the cause.


For conditions that cause swelling, redness and dull burning pain you should treat them using Rest, Ice & Elevation). You may also find that products containing ibuprofen may help.1(screenshot below)



1.     https://www.healthline.com/health/sudden-knee-pain

2.     https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/knee-pain/

3.     https://www.arthritis-health.com/video/causes-knee-pain-video

Is my joint pain arthritis?

Is my joint pain arthritis?
Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint.

There are lots of different types of arthritis and the symptoms you experience will vary depending on the type you have. But how do you know if the joint pain you’ve been experiencing is arthritis?

Only your healthcare professional can tell you for sure but there are some signs to look out for.

1. Pain – Pain from arthritis can be constant or it may come and go. It may occur when at rest or while moving. Pain may be in one part of the body or in many different parts.

2. Swelling – Swelling of a joint can occur in many conditions, but the most common cause of joint swelling is arthritis. The second most common cause of swelling is an injury to the joint. Some types of arthritis cause the skin over the affected joint to become red and swollen, feeling warm to the touch. Swelling that lasts for three days or longer or occurs more than three times a month should prompt a visit to the doctor.

3. Stiffness – This is a classic arthritis symptom, especially when waking up in the morning or after sitting at a desk or riding in a car for a long time. Morning stiffness that lasts longer than an hour is good reason to suspect arthritis.

4. Difficulty moving a joint – It shouldn’t be that hard or painful to get up from your favourite chair.

5. Lumpy joints – Arthritis can cause the formation of pockets of fluid (mucous cysts) or bone spurs. These are felt as knobby protuberances around the joint. They may or may not be sensitive to the touch, but they do give a lumpy appearance to the joint. Most people notice these on the small joints of the fingers, although they can occur throughout the body.

Flarin 200mg soft capsules contain ibuprofen. Relief from joint and muscular pain, pain of non-serious arthritic conditions (caused by joint inflammation), back pain. Always read the leaflet.





Best exercises for joint pain

Why is exercise good for joint pain and arthritis?

When suffering from joint pain or arthritis, the thought of exercising can fill you with dread. It may seem that if you move less, there is less risk of pain, but this isn’t always right.

Regular exercise can actually help to ease joint pain. Exercise can help you improve your health and fitness without hurting your joints. Exercise can:

  • Strengthen the muscles around your joints
  • Help you maintain bone strength
  • Give you more energy to get through the day
  • Make it easier to get a good night’s sleep
  • Help you control your weight
  • Enhance your quality of life
  • Improve your balance


As we previously mentioned, it is often thought that exercise will cause more pain in your joints, however this is not the case. Lack of exercise actually can make your joints even more painful and stiff.

Exercise helps to keep your muscles and surrounding tissues strong which is crucial for maintaining support.


So, what are the best exercises?

Low impact exercises that are gentle and accessible are the best place to start. Think walking, cycling, swimming and yoga! These types of exercises don’t put too much stress and strain onto your joints, whilst still strengthening muscles!



Walking is easy and anyone can do it! Start off small and build yourself up to longer walks. Ensure you are wearing supportive shoes and remaining hydrated (even if you don’t feel the walk has been particularly strenuous!)



Water helps to support your body weight, meaning that exercises in the water don’t impact your joints too heavily. This is perfect for people who suffer from joint pain and arthritis.

Swimming and water aerobics can help to increase your flexibility, range of motion and strength. It can also reduce joint stress and stiffness.


Strength Training

Strength training is great for building up the muscles around the affected joints. This can help to reduce the strain on the joints and may lead to a reduction in pain.

A resistance band is a great way to challenge the body and build muscle.



Cycling is a great way to enjoy the outdoors while doing some exercise (you can also get a stationary bike to keep inside)! Cycling may also reduce stiffness, increase range of motion and leg strength and build your endurance.


Yoga & Tai Chi

Yoga and Tai Chi help to increase flexibility, balance and range of motion while also reducing stress. You can join groups specifically designed for older people, or buy a DVD that you can do at home!



Pilates is an amazing low-impact activity that stabilises the joints and strengthens the muscles around them. If you are new to Pilates, it is recommended you start with a routine that uses a mat rather than a machine.



We’ve spoken about the benefits of gardening before so we’re sure you all know them. Gardening is a great way to get outside, remain active and improve your mood. Begin slowly and invest in tools that make your life easier.


Before you begin any new activities be sure to speak to your doctor first.








Flarin® 200mg soft capsules. Contains ibuprofen. Relief from rheumatic or muscular pain, also for the relief of pain of non-serious arthritic conditions (caused by swelling, stiffness and inflammation of joints), joint pain, back pain. Always read the label.

How can joint pain or arthritis affect my life?

Dealing with joint pain or mild arthritis can be hard to accept and may cause upset to your life. Knowing how things may change for you and understanding the ways you can deal with these changes will help you to accept living with joint pain or mild arthritis and help you live your life to the fullest. 

What causes joint pain?

Joint pain is very common with many possible causes, but it’s usually a result of injury or arthritis1.

You can get joint pain in just one joint, like your knee for example. As your knee joint takes the full weight of your body, it is probably the most frequently damaged.

Inflammation of the joint lining is another issue that can cause joint pain. If you have injured the joint recently, and it suddenly becomes painful again, the thin layer of tissue lining the joints and tendons may be inflamed.

Gout or pseudogout is another cause of joint pain (these are both types of arthritis). Gout usually affects your big toe first before affecting other joints, pseudogout usually affects your knee first.

What exactly is arthritis?

The NHS defines arthritis as “a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint”. There are a number of types of arthritis, the two most common being rheumatoid arthritis (caused by the body’s immune system targeting affected joints causing pain and swelling) and osteoarthritis (the most common type, initially affecting the cartilage around a joint).2

How can joint pain affect my life | Arthritis | Flarin 

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

Because there are a number of types of arthritis, the symptoms will vary depending on the type. Speak to your GP if you have:

  • Joint pain, tenderness and stiffness
  • Inflammation in and around the joints
  • Restricted movement of the joints
  • Warm red skin over the affected joint
  • Weakness and muscle wasting

How might arthritis and joint pain affect your life?

Joint pain or mild arthritis may mean that you find everyday activities harder due to pain or inflammation. If you suffer from joint pain or mild arthritis it is important to know where you can get support and how you can make changes to your life to reduce the pain you experience and find ways to deal with it better.

How can joint pain affect my life | Arthritis | Flarin

What changes can you make to your life to live with joint pain or mild arthritis?

You can make changes throughout your home, garden and work life to make everyday life easier. Start by making small changes. For example, to avoid bending down too much, move sockets higher up, use a reaching stick, attach a basket to the back of your letter box. Making gripping things easier by swapping to pull cords rather than switches, invest in a contour grips and plug grips to make removing them easier. Versus Arthritis have a whole host of suggestions to make your home more accessible for yourself if you suffer from joint pain or arthritis. https://www.versusarthritis.org/about-arthritis/living-with-arthritis/your-home/

How can I ease my joint pain?

There are a number of ways to help ease your joint pain. These include;

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
    • Your weight has a big impact on your joints. Extra weight increases the pressure put on your joints, especially your knees, hips and feet. Reducing the amount of pressure on your joints can improve your mobility, decrease pain and prevent future damage
  • Increase your exercise
    • Continuing the amount of exercise you do, or starting to take part in exercise can help to keep your joints in good condition while strengthening your muscles
  • Use cold and hot therapy
    • Hot and cold treatments can help to make a difference when it comes to joint pain. Long, warm showers or baths can help to ease stiffness while cold treatments can help to relieve joint pain, swelling and inflammation
  • Use medication
    • Products containing ibuprofen will help to reduce inflammation and swelling

How can joint pain affect my life | Arthritis | Flarin