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Only Flarin ibuprofen has lipid lock technology, locking in the pain relieving power of ibuprofen.
Our complex manufacturing process heats lipids and ibuprofen together to create a unique patented formulation called Flarin.
Flarin is dissolved in lipid oils. Lipids are absorbed in the small intestine and used in other medicines to aid absorption.
No other ibuprofen has been proven to be more effective for joint pain*.
Flarin has been clinically proven to be as effective as 2400mg ibuprofen which is twice the standard dose at reducing joint pain**.
It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, joint pain can happen to anybody at any time and can make even the most simple daily tasks, like driving or going up the stairs, difficult.
A clinical study was conducted at 27 primary care centres in 462 patients, the first of its kind to focus on flaring knee joints and overseen by leading experts. The study demonstrated that Flarin (1200mg/day) was as effective as 2400mg ibuprofen which is twice the standard dose at relieving joint pain**.
The full published clinical data can be accessed here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.joca.2017.09.002
PILs are regularly updated. Consumers should check the PIL in their Flarin pack before use.