
What is muscle pain?

Muscle pain, also known as myalgia, are very common. Muscle tissue covers almost all parts of the human body, therefore muscle pain can be felt almost anywhere! ¹

What causes muscle pain?

Muscle pain is usually caused by tension, stress, overuse, or injury. Normally muscle pain affects one specific area of the body. ² Usually, in most cases, sore muscles are nothing to worry about, however if you are concerned you should speak to your doctor or pharmacist for medical advice. Some symptoms of muscle pain can include stiffness, weakness and discomfort. ³

Flarin joint & muscular pain relief - what is muscle pain

Why do muscles hurt after exercise?

Muscle aches and pains are common after exercise, especially if you have changed to a new exercise routine or you have increased the intensity. When muscles work harder than normal, according to the NHS, it is believed that this causes “microscopic damage to the muscle fibres, resulting in soreness or stiffness.”⁴

How to avoid muscular pain after exercise

Muscle pain can be frustrating, especially when you want to keep moving. Here are some top tips on how to reduce your chances of muscle pain after exercise; ⁵

  • Stay hydrated – water keeps fluids moving, which can help to ease inflammation
  • Have rest days – consider lighter workouts to give your muscles a rest, such as yoga or swimming
  • Get a good nights sleep – the National Sleep Foundation recommends at least seven hours each night
Flarin Ibuprofen Relief for Joint Pain

When joint or muscular pain flares, choose Flarin

Flarin capsules are manufactured in a different way to liquid capsules. Rather than dissolving ibuprofen in liquid the ibuprofen is formulated with lipids which are absorbed differently.

Lipids are fatty substances such as oils, butter and fat. Lipids are absorbed in your small intestine.