
Flarin Lipid Lock® Technology

Infirst Ltd have developed a manufacturing process, for Flarin, which locks the pain relieving power of ibuprofen in a unique lipid formulation.

Flarin’s patented Lipid Lock® technology encases ibuprofen in lipids (Glycerol Monolinoleate and hard fat which are long chain fatty acids from a vegetable source) through a complex manufacturing process involving heating and dissolving specific pharmaceutical grade lipids, ibuprofen and other excipients together over several days.

Flarin is the first and only ibuprofen product with this Lipid Lock® formulation.

Flarin delivers powerful relief from joint pain and inflammation

A double-blind, randomised, multi-centre clinical trial of episodic knee pain (FLARE study), published in Osteoarthritis and Cartilage ), showed combining ibuprofen in a lipid formulation (Flarin 200 mg soft capsules ,1200 mg/day) delivered effective relief of knee pain.

Flarin lipid formulated ibuprofen (1200mg/day) has been shown to be as effective as twice the dose (2400mg/day) of standard ibuprofen.

No other ibuprofen has been proven to be more effective for joint pain.

Flarin is absorbed in the small intestine.

“Tried this after trying to cope with a painful neck. I find it helps a lot on painful days. I definitely recommend”

Flarin Customer

Flarin is available to purchase online and from all major retailers