
Can joint pain make you tired?

In short, yes!

Fatigue is a common symptom of joint pain and arthritis. In fact, according to the Arthritis Foundation, 98 percent of rheumatoid arthritis patients report fatigue.

For many people with arthritis, fatigue goes hand in hand. The main culprits are the inflammatory disease process and the accompanying chronic pain.1



If you have an autoimmune disease, your immune system attacks your body and inflammation is the result. The body undergoes stress as it tries to cope with the release of inflammatory cytokines (proteins) in the blood. That can cause fatigue, especially when disease activity is high or low-grade inflammation remains for a long time.


Chronic Pain

The pain-fatigue connection can be a vicious circle. Dealing with arthritis pain for months at a time over many years can wear you down. It can affect your sleep habits, which adds to your exhaustion. Being fatigued, in turn, can worsen pain and make it more difficult to manage.


Fatigue is different to normal tiredness, it can leave you feeling completely wiped out and exhausted even after a good night’s sleep.


Can joint pain make you tired | Flarin

How can I fight my fatigue?


Treat your arthritis pain and symptoms

Chronic pain alone can cause fatigue. Pain also can lead to depression and mood changes that can worsen fatigue. Speak to your GP or pharmacist about how to manage your joint pain or arthritis effectively

Exercise regularly

Moderate exercise can help to improve your energy levels. Speak to your doctor about a suitable exercise regime for you

Try to control your stress

Easier said than done but managing your stress can help you control your fatigue. Try some breathing exercise or meditation to help!

Drink enough water

Being dehydrated can leave you feeling tired or fatigued. Drinking enough water every day can easily become part of your routine

